Students sitting on top steps of outdoor amphitheater

Applying for the I-20 and F-1 Student Visa


Application for I-20 and 支持宣誓书

免费食宿宣誓书 -只适用于与家人/朋友一起免费住在校外的学生

请观看我们的简短视频,该视频将指导您完成I-20申请以及如何正确完成它: 完成I-20申请.

For any questions pertaining to the I-20 application process, please contact We do not accept documents sent via email, please upload all of your documents to your admissions portal.



美国以外的学生.S. 应该尽快提交I-20申请和财务文件吗. The deadline for submission of the application and all supporting documents is:

秋季学期: 7月15日
春季学期: 11月15日

注意: 美国境内的SEVIS转学生.S. may submit this documentation later than the published deadlines.

  • Upon submission of all required documents, please allow 5-10 business days for your I-20 to be processed. Once available, you will receive an email with further instructions.
  • 了解更多关于如何 下载I-20表格.
  • 要求装运 of the original document (at your own expense).
  • 得到一些 帮助提示 关于学生签证的预约.
  • For more information about your Form I-20: 如何了解你的I-20表格.
  • 任何问题? 电子邮件

Required Documents and Where to Submit Them

您必须填写并提交完整的I-20申请表和经济担保书. 在我们收到完整签署的I-20申请表和宣誓书之前,我们不能签发任何正式文件. The affidavit must be 签署 by BOTH the sponsor and the student.

  • 禁止手写——只有签名可以手写(注意:电子签名可以代替“湿”签名)。. 所有其他字段必须键入. 
  • 访问您的 本科生招生门户网站 or 研究生招生门户 and upload documents to the corresponding checklist items: 
    • 护照: Upload a copy of the face-page of your passport. 
    • 签证: 如果您已经持有有效签证(F-1或其他),请将其复印件与护照一起上传到门户网站.
    • Application for I-20 and 支持宣誓书: 下载可填写的申请表格.
    • 财务文件: See sources of funding instructions below.
    • 如果与朋友或家人免费住在校外,你还必须上传申请表 免费食宿宣誓书 在招生门户网站的“申请I-20表格或DS-2019/经济担保书”标签下填写表格和证明文件. 

重要的是: 确保将这些文件以相应的名称上传到核对表项目中. 如果上传正确,a 绿色可选 will appear next to each item within 24 hours. 如果有任何 红色“x” remain, there is a problem and you must re-submit the missing item(s).

Step by Step: How to Fill Out the Application for Form I-20

必须填写完整的申请表, 签署, and submitted in order for 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 to issue an I-20. 请参阅 估计I-20费用 浏览更多成本信息.

  • Page 1 – 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 I-20 Application
    • 填写个人信息, 签证信息, and SEVIS transfer (only if applicable) sections.
  • Page 2 – Estimated Expenses for ONE Academic Year
    • This page is informational and does not need to be filled out. 请找到你的学习计划,找到你一年的估计学费.
    • 再次说明,所有费用都是预估的,最终的学费账单将反映准确的出勤费用.
  • 第3页-资金来源政策
    • 请仔细阅读我们的资助政策.
  • 第4页-学生证书
    • First section: Student expenses (tuition, room & board, miscellaneous expenses, health insurance, dependents [if applicable]). Use the information from page 2 to complete this section.
    • Second section: Funding information – list all of your sources of funding, 包括个人资金, 赞助商的信息, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学资助(仅当您获得研究生助理职位的奖学金时).
    • Third section: Dependents – complete only if applicable.
    • The total from section one MUST equal the total in section two.
  • Page 5 – Sponsor Certification Form (Affidavit)
    • 每个担保人必须填写此表格,并必须提供他们每年为您提供担保的可用资金证明.
    • See below for acceptable funding documents.

Your funding will always match the cost of attendance. 例如, 如果你每年的学费是47美元,822美元, 你的资金也会被列为47美元,822美元, even if your sponsor is promising more than that. 国土安全部规定,学生只需要出示一学年的资金证明.

Student’s must secure their funding before they can apply for the Form I-20. Once issued, we will not make changes to the funding section of the I-20. 这包括但不限于, 增加个人资金, increasing the amount of funding a current sponsor is promising, or adding an additional sponsor when the current sponsor’s funding is sufficient.

We will only issue updated I-20s for one of the following reasons:

We will not update the funding section because of visa denial.

如果你正在接受学生贷款, we will list the amount under “other funding” as “Education Loan.” We do not list student loans as personal funds. 如果你计划使用自己的资金或家庭/赞助商的资金,除了你的学生贷款, you must submit all of this documentation when you initially apply for the I-20. Again, we will not update the funding section of the I-20 once it has been issued.

Incoming students CANNOT be sponsored by a current F-1 student from Montclair. 我们也不接受由其他F-1学生填写的免费食宿宣誓书.

如果你计划带一个受抚养人, you must include their information on your I-20 application, along with their passport information and any necessary funding information. 一旦最初的I-20签发,我们就不会增加家属,所以请为您的家属做好相应的计划.


任何组合的资金都是可以接受的,只要你能证明你能支付 一年的全额费用. 请注意,所有费用都是为移民目的估计的,可能会有变化. Your accurate cost of attendance will be reflected on your tuition bill. 只有在资金来源确定后才提交财务文件. 只有那些你希望出现在I-20上的担保人才需要提交文件. 

任何问题 about funding can be directed to


  • 日期必须在最近 三个 个月 
  • Must have the name of account owner clearly listed 
  • Must be in English (or translated into English)
  • 必须说明帐户类型(i.e. 存款、支票等.)
  • 必须说明币种吗


  • We do not accept investments, real estate, insurance policies, or pension funds 
  • 所得税表,工资单,纳税申报表
  • Letters/solvency certificates saying ‘enough’ or ‘sufficient’ funds are available, or that ‘the holder is capable of supporting the student’. The bank certification letter MUST state the amount available in the account.



如果你是自费的,你必须 provide financial support documentation your name. 银行账户的结帐金额必须等于或超过您赞助的金额. 


An 支持宣誓书 必须由每位保证人填写吗. 每个完成宣誓书的担保人必须提供经济支持文件. 银行账户的结帐金额必须等于或超过宣誓书上承诺的金额. 

请注意: 如果您从企业账户(银行账户列在企业名称下)收到资金, 不是个人), you must provide the business registration, which states the name(s) of the business owner(s).The person who owns the business must complete and sign the 支持宣誓书.


请注意在宣誓书上确认的奖学金或研究生助学金的金额. 如果助学金或奖学金不包括在费用估计中列出的总费用, you must show proof of funding that covers the remaining expenses.


Graduate assistantships count toward financial support. 助教奖学金的期限为一年,之后可再延长一年(博士生助教奖学金最多可延长三年)。. 您必须在宣誓书中注明已确认的助学金资助金额,并且必须上传其他财务文件,以显示您在扣除奖励金额后支付任何剩余余额的能力.

请注意: On-campus employment CANNOT count towards proof of funding.

Other Sources of Support (Employer, Government, etc.)


  • If you are receiving funding from an employer, 请提供一封带有公司官方抬头的信件,说明资助金额和资助期限.
  • 如果您从企业账户(银行账户列在企业名称下)收到资金, 不是个人), you must provide the business registration, which states the name(s) of the business owner(s).

  • The person who owns the business must complete and sign the 支持宣誓书.


  • If you are receiving funding from a government or employer, 请提供该来源的信函,说明授予您的金额和支持期限.


您必须提供信贷机构的正式信函,表明批准贷款和批准的金额. This letter must include the following information:

  • 该奖项所涵盖的时间 
  • Indicate 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 as the student’s institution 
  • The total amount of support for the given time period


A person who is giving you free room and board may also be considered a sponsor. 该保荐人必须提交一份 免费食宿宣誓书. 免费食宿从上述每个项目的总金额中减少食宿费用. 如果住的地方离十大博彩推荐排名州立大学太远,免费食宿的宣誓书将不被接受.

担保人必须以租约、水电费账单等形式提供居住证明. – submitted to your admissions portal along with the 签署 affidavit. 文件应在招生门户网站的“申请I-20表格或DS-2019/经济担保书”标签下提交. 

注意: Incoming students CANNOT be sponsored by a current F-1 student from Montclair. 我们也不接受由其他F-1学生填写的免费食宿宣誓书.